Tips for Removing Ice From Your Auto Glass

3 D Glass LLC Wants to Help You Safely Remove Windshield Ice If you’re a new vehicle owner, you might be searching for tips for removing ice from your auto glass. Maybe you’re not a new owner, but you want the most effective ways for removing ice from windshields. Since it’s the beginning of December, […]
Don’t Drive with a Cracked Windshield

Continuing to Drive with a Cracked Windshield Isn’t Safe Any glass repair or auto repair technician will tell you don’t drive with a cracked windshield. It’s just a bad idea overall. Maybe you’re attempting to evade repair costs, or worrying about how it will affect your automobile insurance. The truth is that when you ignore […]
Benefits of Windshield Repair
Repairing Your Windshield Benefits Your Security and Comfort If you’ve ever had a cracked windshield, you probably learned the benefits of windshield repair. Your vehicle windshield is an integral component of your car. It protects you from the elements like rain, snow, ice, wind, sun, dust, stones, and accidents. When you contact 3 D Glass […]
The Differences Between OEM and Aftermarket Glass
There Are Slight Differences Between OEM and Aftermarket Glass You might think all auto glass is the same, but you must know the differences between OEM and Aftermarket Glass. We know not many people outside of the auto glass industry understand the differences between these two types of glass. 3 D Glass LLC offer both […]
Signs a Technician Replaced Your Auto Glass Incorrectly
Watch Out For These Obvious Signs of Poor Auto Glass Installation You paid for a new windshield in your vehicle, but you see signs a technician replaced your auto glass incorrectly. It’s supposed to look as good as new, right? That’s what the company promised. Unfortunately, you may have fallen victim to poor technique and […]
Avoid 5 Weird Ways of Accidentally Damaging Your Auto Glass
Drivers Should Use Their Best Judgment to Avoid Possible Problems In this month’s blog, 3 D Glass LLC is focusing on 5 weird ways of accidentally damaging your auto glass. There are various reasons why auto glass breaks or chips. Sometimes you can’t avoid glass damage, but there are times you can. Drivers have to […]
How to Choose the Right Auto Glass Repair Company
3 D Glass LLC is a Strong Choice to Meet Your Repair Needs When you need auto glass repair services, you should know how to choose the right auto glass repair company. When you drive with a cracked or chipped windshield, you might decide to put off repair of the glass. You could be busy […]
Are All Windshields the Same?
Learn About the Three Different Types of Windshield Glasses Available If you have a crack in your vehicle’s windshield, you might be wondering are all the windshields the same? The question arises because if you don’t repair or replace the windshield, the crack or chip could become worse. The answer is there are differences in […]
Spring and Summer Vehicle Maintenance to Protect Glass
Protect Your Windshield with Maintenance During the Warmer Months You might not have thought about spring and summer vehicle maintenance to protect glass, but it’s important. We all know snow, ice, sub-zero temperatures, and road salt can damage your vehicle, but so can warm weather. When you protect your windshield against damage, the maintenance can […]
How to Protect Your Windshield from The Elements
Follow Tips on Avoiding Weather Damage to Your Windshield When you’ve owned a vehicle for awhile, you learn how to protect your windshield from the elements. Car owners in and around Montoursville, PA, have to deal with the extremes of winter and blazing summer heat. As you know, your windshield is one of the most […]